Man did I have fun at the San Diego Zoo. It might not have been my husband's favorite, but I loved seeing all the different animals. Of course the monkeys and apes are so fascinating to me since they seem to have the most personality. This guy cracked me up because he likes to cover himself with the bags.

We were lucky enough to be able to talk to a lady here who knew the orangutans and other monkey/apes personally. The guy with the sack over the head is grumpy with the other ones at times, since they normally live by themselves in the wild. There was one that likes to put leaves on her head, that is the one below. She's pregnant. Sorry the photo is sideways, I don't know how to fix it in this blog. So just tilt your head. Then there is a mischievous girl that picks on the guy. Oh, I loved hearing the back story. It made the zoo that much more fun.
There were lots of birds, here is one of the more unique ones.
And of course the gorrillas. I took tons of pictures, but this is the only nice one. I don't have a very expensive camera, so you have to take what you can get.
Little Miss and I played around with a lot of the statues and stuff. If you want to see more pics of her, you'll have to go to my Flickr account. Not a fan of showing pictures of my daughter for the world to see.
This little guy was super sweet, and probably my favorite. He interacted with people the most. He kept extending his hand out to people to get things from them. This guy kept handing him sticks, and then Kevin and Little Miss followed suit. When a big group of people came, the other guy was still handing him stuff, and this guy, who was not a Zookeeper mind you, said, "There is no interacting with the animals." Okay, there were signs at certain cages, but none at this spot, and this guy wanted fun. He'll never go back to the wild, what is the harm of him having a little fun with the people. Whatever... He still is my favorite little dude.
Love the big cats!
This guy is in fact smiling! Love it!
There is a huge line for the pandas, and they have you take your picture really hyping up the exhibit. Cute, yes, but worth a half hour wait.... okay yes... because I would so do it again. LOL
This was not an exhibit, just a joy along the way.
This one is the guy, which in the wild can be 1700 pounds, he has his fat intake limited so he's sadly only 1100 pounds to keep him from getting too hot. Poor guy, can't be as big as he could in the wild. He has never been a father, but has been attempting with another of the polar bears, which was hiding. They are hoping she is pregnant, but they don't know for sure yet. It's doubtful since she is 19 years old, and they are only fertile until like 20 years old. Also they have been mating for the past 16 years (his entire life) and has not been successful.
This girl is the other one's twin sister. She was on birth control when she was younger, for some reason, and then became infertile. So it's possible the San Diego Zoo might never have a baby polar bear in their midst. Let's pray her brother succeeded.
Again with the big cats!
This is not a llama or an alpaca... but I cannot remember what it was. Anyone else know?
Lots of Elephants. What's the difference between an Asian and African elephant? Asian ones have small ears, African ones have big ears, plus they are bigger in general.
Little Miss thought it was funny to act like this monster attacked her and was carrying her. :)
He's a happy dude!
Awww... This one is Miha. She is a sweet girl.
Big cats, love the big cats!
And we ended the day with reptiles and a camel. Poor camel, one of it's humps is empty.