Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Shoving Their Opinion Down My Throat - A Minor Rant

Honestly, I have never understood this phrase. I was reading a blog that shared a strong opinion on an issue, (the issue is irrelevant here). Because the topic perked my interest, I was curious about the responses and therefore read them. I was surprised over the number of people who wrote, "Stop trying to shove your opinions down my throat," along with, "stop trying to force other people to do things they don't want to do."

To me, a blog is somewhere where you can share your opinions, express your ideas, and be yourself. A blog is in essence, mere words.

If someone does not agree with you, I understand that person pointing out their opinion and explaining why they disagree. I don't agree with people doing so in a disrespectful, distasteful way, yet it is not surprising to me. On the other hand, when people say, you are trying to shove your opinions down their throat, this phrase confuses me.

The reader chose to read it. At any given time, they could have decided, this is rubbish and gotten off the page. As far as forcing/controlling another person. How in God's green earth, can you force someone to do something by mere words on a computer screen. If someone has that much power over someone else, there are serious issues, and I don't mean with the writer.

My daughter is nine. On countless occasions when she was younger (a phase she has thankfully grown out of), she would try to tell me she was forced to do something. We then would go into a discussion about just because someone says do it, doesn't mean you do it. No one can force you to do things with mere words. Amazingly, she now understands it, and stands her ground when dealing with opposition. To that I am proud.

I guess someone could potentially argue with me about a person who threatens another person with death or cruelty to a loved one, and how this could potentially be forcing someone to do something, but I am not talking about threats here. We are talking about voicing one's opinion. I have many of them. They change from day to day, as I learn, grow, and understand things. What I believe is right today, may not be what I believe is right tomorrow, whether it be due to circumstances, education, or a number of other things. So when I voice my opinion, I am not trying to convince someone that my reasoning is right, I'm not trying to force anyone to do anything, I am just using my little piece of this world and speaking my mind, which incidentally changes on occasion.

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