Monday, December 2, 2013

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

I have been spending the past week in utter anticipation of what the future holds. To be more specific, what Tuesday, December 3, 2013 holds.

I was called last Wednesday with a potential foster child. I was told I might be picking the child up that day. My first reaction was calm, unexpectant, and a little removed from the situation. Five minutes later she said, "Change of plans, we will call you on Tuesday."

So I wait. Thursday was fun, my mind was busy with many loved ones. Friday was great, I was busy with babysitting and hanging out with my daughter. Saturday I had the excitement of the Sound of Music to look forward to, which by the way was awesome!!!

Then Sunday came, and I felt sick, spent most the day in bed.

Then today came.

Theoretically, I had a busy day, so my mind should have been preoccupied. I began the day with chores, then driving to a funeral. Up to this point, I was fine, thinking and praying for the beautiful lady who passed away.

I drove home, and then my thoughts shifted to Tuesday. I am supposed to get a call one way or another. It didn't matter if I was in class, talking on the phone with friends, spending time with 15 girl scouts, my mind was wandering. What to expect, what to expect, what to expect? So today, I wait. I will go to bed in a few minutes. Fortunately, I do not stay awake when I am anxious, I fall asleep the moment my head hits the pillow, but when I awake in the morning, I will be by my phone.

How will I feel if they say, no? Crushed, but not broken.

How will I feel if they say, yes? A mix of a million emotions, unsure what to expect.

So, will it happen? Only the Lord knows.

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