Monday, December 23, 2013

Merry Christmas!!!

2013 was a year of learning. We had one of our longest term foster care placements this year. She came to us at two months, left at eight months, and has been visiting us ever since. We learned that we can love someone as our own, survive the goodbye, and have room for yet another. Our sweet, funny foster child inherited her personality from her mother and was an absolute delight to have. After only a few meetings with the two of them, it was clear Little One belonged with her mom. Although we miss her terribly, we know she is where she should be.

Littles joined the competitive gymnastics team, learned to do a back handspring, and got two red ribbons at our her first meet. (Blue being highest, red being second highest.) Last school year, she made it to finals for her swim team. Only two girls in her age range had this honor, and she was one of them.

Kevin has continued doing well at work, learned that dogs are man’s best friend, cat’s are second-rate pets, and chopping wood is not for wusses. Okay, well maybe, I learned the last one, as he and I have spent several weekends chopping wood. Something he really enjoys, and well, let’s just say I enjoy spending time with my husband.

I too, have spent the year learning. Estoy aprendiendo espaƱol (I am learning Spanish), which uses way more brain power than I’d like to admit. I have gotten back into my writing, including starting a blog. And I am eagerly awaiting another foster care call. Not much enjoying the ups and downs of the foster care system, but much enjoying the children they bring to us.

Next year we are looking forward to meeting our new niece, who is due March 4th. We are not planning on expanding our pet hoarding endeavors, but not opposed to expanding our family with a foster child or two. Who knows where the Lord will lead us? Regardless of what the Lord wills, we feel blessed to have such wonderful family and friends.


Kevin, Angela, Little Miss, Skeezix, Misty, Polly, and Tweeg. Miss too has had a year of learning by finishing third grade starting fourth. She ha

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